Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hello Coastal Aussie

Recently, I blogged about an online freelance site that brokered projects between buyers and providers. Things such as copywriting and loads of web development,design stuff. Then I found similar sites. I have put in a few bids within buyers proposed budget, yet my competitors bids for alot of those projects were incredibly low and made by what seem to be; factories of writers. The prices they are quoting to produce the required bulk material conjured a 'sweat shop'image in my mind.

I had this urge to do a "Norma Rae", make a banner UNION and stream it across in flash-or something like that. So, thus far, doesn't seem to be the thing that'll work for me, but I'll keep looking and bidding for a bit. If nothing else, it gave me something to write about.

Now, that is only for the copywriting. I would not be able to know what value to place on other types of work.

Hello coastal aussie,

Thanks again. Yes, if you have the time to input those blog addresses it would be helpful.

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